Brown Sky Marble

Part Number Size In Stock
SB101-1 In Stock
SB101-2 In Stock
SB101-3 In Stock


Brown sky marble is brown with the leaves which are white. This marble, unlike travertine and crystal stones, is mainly used in the interior of the building, such as floor stones, stairs, walls and bathrooms.


Commercial interior wall
Commercial interior floor

Residential countertops

Bath Floors
Bath walls

Residential interior floor
Residential interior wall

Stone Analysis:

Optimal Rate Porosity Density Abrasion Resistance Pushing Resistance Water Absorption
Min Petty 2.16 2 500 0.3
Max 2.5 2.56 6.5 1500 7.5
Set point 0.44 2.77 2.8 1266 0.42